What is the Difference Between Etsy Views and Visits?

Etsy is an online marketplace that specializes in handmade and vintage goods. It was founded in June 2005 by Rob Kalin, Chris Maguire, and Haim Schoppik. It is a popular choice for shoppers because it allows them to find unique, one-of-a-kind items that are not available in mass-produced or retail stores. Cheap Etsy Promotion

Etsy sellers use a variety of tools to analyze their shop’s performance and make improvements. These tools include looking at the number of views and visits that their listings receive. However, some sellers are confused about the difference between these two metrics. This article will explain the difference between Etsy Views and Visits so that sellers can make informed decisions about how to improve their shops and listings.

What is the difference between views and visits?

Views are a metric that shows the number of times a listing’s page has been loaded in a web browser. This includes when a shopper opens the listing’s page for the first time and then returns to it later in the day. It also includes any times that the same shopper looks at multiple listings within your shop. For example, if the same shopper looks at your five most popular listings, those will count as five views but only one visit.

Visits are a metric that shows the total number of unique visitors to your shop and each individual listing within it. It does not include the number of times a shopper opens a listing’s page and then returns to it later in the day. Visits are a more accurate metric because it takes into account when the same shopper looks at multiple listings in your shop.

It is important to understand the difference between these two metrics so that you can make informed decisions about how to improve your shop and listings. For example, if you have a lot of views but few visits, this may indicate that shoppers are interested in your products but are not finding them easily. This could be because your listings aren’t optimized for search or because your descriptions don’t include relevant keywords. By comparing your visits to your views, you can identify areas where you need to improve your listings and shop to reach more potential customers.

How often does the data for views and visits update?

The stats for your Etsy shop and listings update several times a day. You can check the latest stats by logging into your dashboard or visiting your Stats page. This data will show you how many views and visits your listings have had throughout the day along with a timestamp of when this information was last refreshed.

You may notice that your total visit count decreases toward the end of the day. This is because Etsy filters out bot traffic (software programs that try to imitate human behavior) from the final stats for the day. These bots can skew the data and cause your stats to appear lower than they really are.

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